Teniendo en cuenta que los formularios deben de presentar un diseño visual que agrade al usuario y que además sea accesible, en esta sección se mostraran algunos ejemplos de cómo construir controles de formulario personalizados accesibles.
Botón de Compartir
Code snippet: HTML
<form action= "path/to/submit" >
<button type= "submit" id= "share-btn" class= "btn-primary" >
<span class= "count" > 495</span>
<span class= "text" > Compartir</span>
Code snippet: JavaScript
document . getElementById ( 'share-btn' ). addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( event ){
event . preventDefault ();
event . stopImmediatePropagation ();
var count = this . querySelector ( '.count' );
var text = this . querySelector ( '.text' );
count . textContent = parseInt ( count . textContent ) + 1 ;
text . textContent = "Shared ✓" ;
this . setAttribute ( "disabled" , "true" );
Valoración con estrellas
Code snippet: HTML
<form action= "#" id= "star_rating" >
<input value= "0" id= "star0" checked
type= "radio" name= "rating" class= "visuallyhidden" >
<label for= "star0" >
<span class= "visuallyhidden" > 0 Stars</span>
<svg viewBox= "0 0 512 512" >
<g stroke-width= "70" stroke-linecap= "square" >
<path d= "M91.5,442.5 L409.366489,124.633512" ></path>
<path d= "M90.9861965,124.986197 L409.184248,443.184248" ></path>
<input value= "1" id= "star1"
type= "radio" name= "rating" class= "visuallyhidden" >
<label for= "star1" >
<span class= "visuallyhidden" > 1 Star</span>
<svg viewBox= "0 0 512 512" ><path d= "M512 198.525l-176.89-25.704-79.11-160.291-79.108 160.291-176.892 25.704 128 124.769-30.216 176.176 158.216-83.179 158.216 83.179-30.217-176.176 128.001-124.769z" ></path></svg>
<input value= "2" id= "star2"
type= "radio" name= "rating" class= "visuallyhidden" >
<label for= "star2" >
<span class= "visuallyhidden" > 2 Stars</span>
<svg viewBox= "0 0 512 512" > …</svg>
<input value= "3" id= "star3"
type= "radio" name= "rating" class= "visuallyhidden" >
<label for= "star3" >
<span class= "visuallyhidden" > 3 Stars</span>
<svg viewBox= "0 0 512 512" > …</svg>
<input value= "4" id= "star4"
type= "radio" name= "rating" class= "visuallyhidden" >
<label for= "star4" >
<span class= "visuallyhidden" > 4 Stars</span>
<svg viewBox= "0 0 512 512" > …</svg>
<input value= "5" id= "star5"
type= "radio" name= "rating" class= "visuallyhidden" >
<label for= "star5" >
<span class= "visuallyhidden" > 5 Stars</span>
<svg viewBox= "0 0 512 512" > …</svg>
<button type= "submit" class= "btn-small visuallyhidden focusable" > Submit rating</button>
Code snippet: CSS
#star_rating svg {
width : 1em ;
height : 1em ;
fill : currentColor ;
stroke : currentColor ;
#star_rating label , #star_rating output {
display : block ;
float : left ;
font-size : 2em ;
height : 1.2em ;
color : #036 ;
cursor : pointer ;
/* Transparent border-bottom avoids jumping
when a colored border is applied
on :hover/:focus */
border-bottom : 2px solid transparent ;
#star_rating output {
font-size : 1.5em ;
padding : 0 1em ;
#star_rating input :checked ~ label {
color : #999 ;
#star_rating input :checked + label {
color : #036 ;
border-bottom-color : #036 ;
#star_rating input :focus + label {
border-bottom-style : dotted ;
#star_rating :hover input + label {
color : #036 ;
#star_rating input :hover ~ label ,
#star_rating input :focus ~ label ,
#star_rating input [ id = " star0 " ] + label {
color : #999 ;
#star_rating input :hover + label ,
#star_rating input :focus + label {
color : #036 ;
#star_rating input [ id = " star0 " ] :checked + label {
color : #ff2d21 ;
#star_rating [ type = " submit " ] {
float : none ;
Code snippet: JavaScript
var radios = document . querySelectorAll ( '#star_rating input[type=radio]' );
var output = document . querySelector ( '#star_rating output' );
var do_something = function ( stars ) {
// An AJAX request could send the data to the server
output . textContent = stars ;
// Iterate through all radio buttons and add a click
// event listener to the labels
Array . prototype . forEach . call ( radios , function ( el , i ){
var label = el . nextSibling . nextSibling ;
label . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( event ){
do_something ( label . querySelector ( 'span' ). textContent );
// If the form gets submitted, do_something
document . querySelector ( '#star_rating' ). addEventListener ( 'submit' , function ( event ){
do_something ( document . querySelector ( '#star_rating :checked ~ label span' ). textContent );
event . preventDefault ();
event . stopImmediatePropagation ();